Archive for social networking

Why I am leaving Facebook

Posted in Announcement, gospel, Life with tags , , , , , on January 22, 2010 by Luke Farrugia

Some of you may recall my social experiment a little while ago, in which I restricted my time on Facebook and indeed experienced the benefits, when I returned to the book of face I was determined to keep these smart surfing habits, unfortunately this was destined to failure as I am indeed a ‘connected’ individual, I was back up to unhealthy time expenditure pretty well straight away, which is especially destructive when you consider, I can access facebook from my mobile phone, netbook and  from this very mac which I sit before all day, simply put, facebook is too ready a temptation when I am in a moment of frustration or adsorbed by tedium.

I have also noticed other things, not least of which is the quality of sleep diminish proportionally to the amount of screen time before bed. but most significantly, after over-stimulating my mind with the passing parade of facebook I find spiritual things difficult to focus on.

There are other negatives which I take into account also, the generations before us were always a reasonably private bunch, this paradigm has been cast off by most of the current generation, due, I believe in no small part to the introduction of social networking sites like Facebook, you like to know what everyone else is doing, you like to see other people’s photo’s and thus you gravitate digitally, toward the people who divulge the most information, then, as is human nature, we desire to be liked, and in social networking this means reciprocating by divulging as much information as possible, I do not believe this is a good direction for society, I have no problems sharing information about my life with individuals but when you amass hundreds or in some cases thousands of “friends” I am not sure it is a wise practice to be involved in.

I have heard the argument from my Christian brethren, “Why not just use Facebook for God as a tool to get the message out there” It is true that it can be used for God’s work I have seen it used in this way and I have personally used it for these purposes, but eventually the nature of the medium leads me into idle browsing which does not glorify God but merely satisfies the gossip gene in me, seeing what people are upto, passing on my own slant on subjects and info.

The final objection I am going to make known here is one which I mentioned in my initial social experiment and that is the lack of real connection with your “Friends”, Facebook seems particularly conducive to superficial interaction, I understand that the discerning user can overcome this but I believe it is altering peoples perception of what true friendship entails, am I saying that my friends are not really friends because they are on facebook, of course not, I am referring to the medium in general. 

Having said all that, this is just me, everyone is different, but I think life is too short to be idle, we should “Run in such a way that you may win.” 1 Cor 9:24 dawdling is not included, if you can honestly use it as a tool rather than a time waster I encourage you to do so with all my heart as it is a great way to reach many people very quickly.

Will I ever be back?

That is a very good question, one for which I do not know the answer, the only answer I could give to you would be that I would only return once my connection with God was strong enough to make me indifferent to the passing parade, when I am so awestruck by the matchless charms of Christ I would feel no need to  expend my time in fruitless ways.

Social Experiment:Conclusion (and Part2)

Posted in Life, Tech with tags , , , , , on October 11, 2009 by Luke Farrugia

Well, we are at the end of my social experiment. i have learned much.

1: I have been sleeping better as screen time immediately before going to bed ruins your best sleep. (i have replaced this with reading)

2: Work life has been more productive, i am acquiring more clients and completing their jobs in more streamlined and focused ways.

3: I Have been having more time with my family which is reward in and of itself.

4: I have had more time to develop my guitar playing abilities (this has been a real blessing)

5: Last but not least i have had a more real awareness and quality time with God.

I have now decided to institute Phase:2, removing my previous rule of 1 browse per week on Saturday nights. I will now leave it up to my own discretion for 1 week, and see if the old habits return, if they do, I will again apply some rules to my browsing habits.

Assuming all go’s well, I won’t be on here often, but rest assured I will be around 🙂

I strongly encourage you all to look at your life, find the time wasters… and deal with them.

Blessings to you all.


My Own Social Experiment

Posted in Announcement, Life with tags , , , , , , , , on September 13, 2009 by Luke Farrugia

Facebook, myspace, bebo, Social networking, weather you like it or not it seems to be here to stay, solidly engraved into the culture of this generation, i have heard people argue for and against the craze, so i thought it may be time to toss my 2 cents in.

I believe, like most tools there is a proper use and there is an improper use, take a shovel for example, if you are digging in the garden with one (as i was this afternoon) it is a very useful implement i certainly would not want to be without… however if i tried to use that shovel to  vacuum my carpet or brush my teeth  I don’t need to tell you that would not be one of my brighter ideas, and if i began spending all my time with that shovel, that would just be plain weird.

Now let me see if i can make this analog align itself into some form of sense… using the premise of Facebook being a tool, it is brilliant when used correctly, ie, it has allowed me to reconnect with old friends like Megan, stay in touch with new friends like Orion and indeed meet some inspirational people like Matthew, but when i spend too much time on it, it starts robbing time from other more important things, like time with my Saviour, working in the very occupation her has provided me with, and making meaningful contact with friends and family, when this begins to happen I cease being a good steward of the time alotted to me. Time is indeed precious, we should not “Kill time” it should be spent wisely on a daily basis, as you can never get a refund on any minute you spend.

Also the friendships cultivated on Facebook are typically (lets face it) superficial at best, lacking any real depth as long as you subscribe to the nominal “friendship” model of looking at their updates and pics while “liking” and commenting your way through. This is the reason i tend to actually message people to get to know them better, (by the way, this function is easily catered for by the now seemingly antiquated system called email.)

At this point, if you are still reading… you are likely wondering “what is this guy getting at?” well here it is… as I am not one of those strong willed people who can just look once and log-off, i must browse into every crevice of the social monolith that is facebook. Due to the fact my work has me at screen all day every day, the temptation to login is too ready a temptation, so i am introducing my own browsing rules for one month, to be re-evaluated on October 12.

For the next month i will only login to Facebook on Saturday nights.
This does not mean i am severing contact as i am still connected to twitter/email/msn/etc

Catch you all soon.