Archive for June, 2008


Posted in Events, Family, Life with tags , , , , , , on June 28, 2008 by Luke Farrugia

Well, where to start… I have been meaning to write this post for a while now, but the story keeps developing, now, I finally have a little time to fill you all in on recent happenings around these parts…

It all started on the Monday before last (16/6/08 ) when I got a call from a mate of mine asking me to call by the hospital and pickup his ute because he was in for surgery, this was apparently thanks to flipping off his bike during a jump, the bike fell back on him breaking his thumb and dislocating it.

I of course went to the hospital to retrieved his ute, and while I was there, I extended our family hospitality to him, if he wanted to stay with us until he could look after himself again, he accepted and came to stay with us after he was discharged the next day (Tuesday).

This was fine until Tuesday afternoon when he offered me a ride on his bike (yes thats right, the same one which fell on him) I said “sure”, I also told him that I had never ridden anything like this beast, but i’ll try most things at least once, so i had a crack at it, needless to say I let the clutch out too fast, dug a ditch in the back lawn, popped it up onto the back wheel and promptly fell on my butt, luckily the bike fell to the side and not right back at me. Pride was bruised along with my butt but it was ok, I proceeded to ride it around the yard once just to satisfy my innate desire to succeed (before parking it in the shed).

Things went wonderfully again until Saturday night when our 2 old Jack Russle Terriers (Snap and Sally) decided to have their first serious fight in history, Mum tried to separate them and succeeded, but not before Getting bitten…through the middle finger, dislocating it, with dad’s help she put it back in, but still, thanks to a little germ warfare, by the Sunday morning she had a hand like a football, so, it was off to the hospital.

Mum wouldn’t let me go with her, as usual, so I went to the 18th birthday which we were all supposed to go to. It was on the grass foreshore here in Hervey Bay. When I arrived, we commenced a lively game of Ultimate Frisbee.

It was excellent for the first minute or two but sadly while chasing down the frisbee, I stepped into an hole the approximate size of my rapidly descending foot, as my weight oscillated onto that foot I heard a crunch , followed by stabbing pain, yes, I had indeed rolled my ankle. When I had regained the ability to speak, two of the blokes there helped me back to the picnic blanket where I sat for a while, allowing my ankle time to befriend an ice-brick from the esky.

After cake cutting/singing etc I put in a call to the Family transport service, (Mum) who had been bandaged, medicated and discharged from hospital. After being carried to the car by a couple of fine individuals (Merekat and Martin for those of you playing at home) Mum drove me to the hospital, I was seen by the same triage nurse and treated by the same doctor, even placed in the same bed mum had been on, just a couple of hours earlier.

After X-rays I was told there was no fracture, but I had done all the ligaments and sprained it severely. which, according to the doc will take just as long to heal as a break. Anyway, I ended up in plaster from the knee down.

Not content to leave the story there, Mum had to go back to the hospital to be re-evaluated on Wednesday morning, unfortunately the infection had traveled into the tube surrounding the tendon attached to her middle finger, immobilizing it. This of course, had to be operated on, therefore, the 3 of us waited from about 7:30am until 6:00pm before they took her into theater.

Mum returned home the next day (Thursday morning) and since then there have been no more injuries. The only news since then is the fact the doc took my cast off today (Friday), exchanging it for a pressure bandage thingy, but I am still going to need crutches for over a month, which is all kinds of fun.

In short, before I sign off, I thought I would let you know why all of the above honestly excites me, as much as I believe there is a loving God, I believe there is a devil and the fact he is attacking me and my family is reason to rejoice, at the moment we are working for God harder than ever before, I knew satan would not be able to leave us alone too long, but thanks to my Heavenly Father we are spiritually healthy and none of the physical injuries were major.

Life is Good!
and so is my maker!

More pics for ye who doubt.

Taking Requests

Posted in Announcement with tags , , , on June 19, 2008 by Luke Farrugia

I am by no means running out of ideas, but i am just interested what you fine people of internet-land would like to read about on my blog…

Don’t be shy, put your suggestion in the comments below, and keep an eye out for updates.

All the Best.


My Next Car

Posted in Life, Travel with tags , , , , on June 10, 2008 by Luke Farrugia

Vehicles, in one way or another, we all use them, getting from “A” to “B”, work to play and all those other fine trips.

One would think I would have taken an interest in cars, due to the fact my Dad is Mr Mechanic Extraordinaire, however, this never really occurred, until I got a car of my own, then I started to take some interest in the topic, sadly, the taste I have developed is one for the exotics, Aston martin, Maserati, BMW, Mercedes. Needless to say anything i like is insanely expensive, I have been content thus far, to drool over these fine examples of power and styling…

That is until the recent petrol price-hike, my trusty ’91 Hilux has begun to dig into my shallow hip-pocket at a furious pace… this caused me to start looking at smaller cars, I quickly drew a conclusion, if you want a car that is good on economy, you are reduced to some of the ugliest cars on the market, now it is not that i want something prestigious or expensive, I just want something that doesn’t look like it was styled by a blind guy with one arm, who insists on being called “Tex”.

One may ask why this is so important, well if you don’t already know, I am a Graphic/Web/Print designer (in training) and as a result design is very important to me, right up there with economy and ahead of performance.

This Quandary sent me in search of a “Drivers car” which was economical, indeed a task easier said than done, I narrowed it down to a few smaller yet cool cars, after which, I threw the top few out of the running for simply being outright crazy expensive, I continued to simmer the mix down to come up with my next goal purchase…

The Mini Cooper S

Great handling, good economy, insanely good looks and nice performance, how do you beat that?

While this goal will take me a while to achieve, i think it will be worth it to my warped sense of style,

If any of you out there have had a drive of the Mini Cooper since its Acquisition by BMW, I would be very interested to hear your thoughts.

Sorry for my Ramblings i never said this blog would make sense now did i?


Time/Space Tapestry

Posted in Life with tags , , , , , on June 10, 2008 by Luke Farrugia

Picture for a moment the time/space continuum, as innumerable glowing threads, spanning as far as the eye can see, with nothing but the inky black backdrop of space all around, the threads are bright, colourful and strong in some places, whilst they are tenuous and dim in others, each thread equals a life, individually, these threads are ineffectual wisps, barely able to hold themselves together, but… when placed in the hands of the Almighty Creator, they can be woven into an amazing tapestry.

Following this analogy, sometimes by choice and other times by the choices of others, your strand can detour significantly from your original path, placing a blemish in the weave of time, i know in my own life there have been several times my strand has snapped a 90 degree turn on me with little warning, and large consequences, but after every turn, (be it good or bad at the time) i can see that blemish in the weave of time has been used to form an integral part of the ever-changing masterpiece.

If you have Christ in your life, I believe there is no such thing as “Bad Luck” or chance, you are under his guidance as long as you choose to be and although we do make poor choices, his masterful hand can work them out for eternal good.

It is every persons right to decide for themselves what they believe
but the KEY to whatever you choose to believe is how it effects your life, that is the litmus test for any belief, how it effects your life, I know plenty of readers are not Christian, i am not even attempting to change your mind, thats not my job, but I can tell you how my beliefs effect my life.

Believing in the Bible’s teaching gives me a distinct mental edge in all study/work/business i engage in, if you believe you have a higher purpose and you know what that purpose is, it gives life awesome relevance, you can have eternal life, total peace and REAL joy instead of circumstantial happiness. if you want to know how, it is easier than you may think, all you have to do is get to know Jesus, and your life will change, in fact, i would guarantee it.

This is where Christians get a bad name, trying to make people conform to rule X, Y or Z, they’re looking at it from the wrong angle, good works/living a righteous life, are a RESULT of a relationship with the big man, not a pre-requisite, it is like an apple tree, it produces apples BECAUSE it is an apple tree, never in order to be one.

Christians in general need to stop judging people by what they THINK their lives should look like, if a person takes care of that relationship with Christ, they cant help but have a righteous life, this is what Christians should encourage people to do, rather than “To be saved, you can’t:drinksmokeswearkillhatehandstandpointandlaugh” it should be more “Here is how you get to know Jesus” God will clean up their lives, it is not our job to find fault… ok this Righteousness by faith topic is HUGE so I will leave it for another day, but you catch my drift.

The purpose of this post changed about 4 times during it’s writing, that is probably evident but I hope you could glean at least some cohesive information from it.
